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Staying Active During Your Pregnancy

Staying fit during pregnancy can be confusing especially when you’re expecting your first baby. I know this first hand. Nearly 5 years ago, I was expecting my first baby and I was working as a personal trainer in a gym. Before pregnancy, I didn’t even think twice about pregnancy classes at the women’s only club that I worked for, but when I became pregnant, that’s when it occurred.

At that time, there wasn’t alot of pregnancy and fitness resources and fitness professionals weren’t properly educated. Not saying that they weren’t great trainers because I’ve worked with some of the best, but there just wasn’t a market for it.

I worked out harder than I should have to be honest. I had never heard of pelvic organ prolapse (POP) or diastasis recti (DR or ab separation). I didn’t know that there were 3 blood volume increases during pregnancy or that vigorous exercise could cause uterine contractions--possible cause me to go into early labour. I just didn’t know

Your Guide to Fitness During Pregnancy

It wasn’t until I had my son and when he was around 2, I started my own personal training business for moms that I began educating myself through workshops, seminars, and certification courses that I began to understand the complexity of pregnancy and fitness.

Now, here I am, educating women like you so that you can keep you and your baby safe during this incredible time.

I have put together a fitness “how to” called Your Guide to Fitness During Pregnancy and it includes everything you need consider when choosing safe activities. Many classes and fitness programs you like to participate in may need to be modified. There is no need to give up exercise, but choosing the right movements depending on where you are in your pregnancy will ensure that you have a happy and healthy pregnancy.

I am really excited to offer you a special, complimentary gift. For a limited time only, I am offering my “Your Guide to Fitness During Pregnancy” for free ($14.95 value). To download your free copy, click here! This guide is packed with expert advice on everything you need to know about staying active during pregnancy as well as some of the amazing benefits that comes along with a great prenatal fitness program! I don’t have enough copies for everyone and the last time I released this ebook at a discount, it sold out within hours! This time it’s 100% FREE, so who knows what will happen!

Love your baby body,


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