What Your Fitness Program May Be Missing
If you’ve recently had a baby and your thinking of joining a fitness class for new moms-please make sure the instructor has training in...

Sex & Shame In Fitness Marketing Isn't Empowering. What You Can Do To Make Peace.
Yesterday, I had posted an article in my free Facebook coaching group from Girls Gone Strong called Why Fat Shaming Doesn’t Promote...

Fat-Loss Doesn't Have To Be The Only Goal
About ten years ago, I started my personal training career at a small women’s gym here in London, Ontario. Since then, I have worked with...

3 Strategies To Healing Your Diastasis Recti
During pregnancy, your body needs to adapt to your growing baby so the abdominal muscles will begin to move away from the midline of your...

Stop Telling Women They Can "Bounce Back" Post-Pregnancy
I’ve been a mom for almost six years now and a trainer for nearly a decade. In that time, I have seen fit pros, fitness and lifestyle...
Stop With Running Yourself Down With New Year's Resolutions For Good.
Christmas is come and gone, now New Year is approaching fast! It’s the time where you start fresh, pack away bad eating habits and commit...

You Don't Need To Be Obsessed To Reach Your Fitness Goals
Christmas is almost here and If you’re anything like me, you’ve just started your shopping because every year, the holidays seem to sneak...

5 Reasons Why "Transformation Programs For New Moms" Are Plain Wrong
You’re awake at 2 am with, feeding your new baby and trying desperately to get him back to sleep. You’re tired and you haven’t had a...

Four Keys To Staying On Top Of Your Fitness Goals When Returning To Work .
You find yourself in a decent fitness routine. You’re able to fit it in a couple days a week without too much issue and you’re really...

Don't Be Afraid Of Your Vagina: My Story of Pelvic Organ Prolapse Recovery
Being diagnosed with a pelvic organ prolapse (POP) can be devastating for any woman and these emotions are very intense. There is a lot...